Berry stuffed fluffy oats

Berry stuffed fluffy oats - Hallo friend HEALTHY FOOD PLAN IDEA, on this article with title Berry stuffed fluffy oats, we have prepared this article for you to read and retrieve information therein. Hopefully the content of the article Breakfast, the article gluten free, the article lactose free, the article nuts, the article oatmeal, the article oats, can make you knowing and understand. So happy reading.

Title : Berry stuffed fluffy oats
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Berry stuffed fluffy oats


I already mentioned I love oats and that they are full of health benefits.. (check out my overnight oats post as well). And I love breakfast, huuuuge breakfasts because I always wake up hungry.
So when I want to give myself a treat, it's all grey and rainy outside, I make myself this comfort bowl: A huge bowl of fluffy oats. It's huge, be prepared, but you will happy to see it doesn't contain that much calories. Isn't that a win-win situation? You get protein-good crabs-fruit, all round perfect combination.


30g old fashioned oats
1 egg white
1/2 cup frozen berries
5 fresh strawberries
handful of blueberries
1 tsp agave
1 tsp cinnamon
150ml unsweetened almond milk

Nut sprinkle on top
1 tbsp sliced almond, a few pecan nuts roughly broken, a teaspoon of hemp seeds (or your favourite combination)

Slice your fruit and set it to the side. Bake your nuts mixture in a clean pan until browned a bit (don't add oil). Then it's time to cook your oats in a bit of water until they are a bit softened, then add the almond milk and cook until done. In the meanwhile whip up the egg white in a clean bowl until amazingly fluffy (you can whip the bowl upside down without any of the egg white falling out). Now mix the frozen berries with the oats, sweeten it a bit with stevia if you like and add the cinnamon. Mix until the berries are not frozen anymore and then add the egg white, mix it well and let it cook for about 1 minute so the egg white is not raw anymore. Serve the oats in a big bowl and serve with the fresh fruit and nuts sprinkled on. Bon appetit!

Nutritional information: approximate 345 calories.

Thus article Berry stuffed fluffy oats

Berry stuffed fluffy oats this time, hopefully can give benefits to all of you. see you in other articles.

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