Protein Pancakes Baby

Protein Pancakes Baby - Hallo friend HEALTHY FOOD PLAN IDEA, on this article with title Protein Pancakes Baby, we have prepared this article for you to read and retrieve information therein. Hopefully the content of the article Breakfast, the article gluten free, the article lactose free, the article Lunch, the article pancake, the article post workout, the article protein, can make you knowing and understand. So happy reading.

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Protein Pancakes Baby

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This recipe is kinda weird, created it when I came home from the gym. I was exhausted and hungry and knew I was going to have so much muscle pain so I wanted to fill up my body whit as much as protein as possible. Eggs are always a good option, but I was in a sweet-tooth mood so eggs weren't really an option. Maybe just a protein smoothie? Nehh.. but what if I combined the two? Yep! Great idea, so I invented the protein pancake! 

1 egg
2 egg whites
1 scoop protein powder
Some water

Simply make a pancake batter with the eggs, first whip them up and then add the protein powder. Add water until you have a nice consistency (the same as a regular pancake batter) and then heat up some oil in a pan and bake your pancake. You can make 2 regular ones or 1 huge one ;-) Dust it off with cinnamon and some fresh fruit like banana, strawberries or some home made chocolate spread!

Bon appetit!!

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